Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Lebenseborn essays
Lebenseborn essays The topic of eugenics cannot be discussed without encountering the Holocaust, but this is as it should be. When contemporary geneticists, genetics counselors and clinical geneticists wonder why it is that genetics receives special attention from those concerned with ethics, the answer is simple and can be found in history. The events which led to the sterilization, torture and murder of millions of Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and children of mixed racial heritage in the years just before and during the era of the Third Reich in Germany were rooted firmly in the science of genetics (Muller-Hill, 1988). Rooted not in fringe, lunatic science but in the mainstream of reputable genetics in what was indisputably the most advanced scientific and technological society of its day. The pursuit of genetic purity in the name of public health led directly to Dachau, Treblinka, Ravensbruck and Auschwitz. As early as 1931 influential geneticists such as Fritz Lenz were referring to National Socialism as "applied biology" in their textbooks (Caplan, 1992). As difficult as it is for many contemporary scientists to accept (Caplan, 1992; Kater, 1992), mainstream science provided a good deal of enthusiastic scientific support for the virulent racism that fueled the killing machine of the Third Reich. When the Nazis came to power they were obsessed with securing the racial purity of the German people. The medical and biomedical communities in Germany not only endorsed this concern with "negative eugenics," they had fostered it. Racial hygiene swept through German biology, public health, medicine and anthropology in the 1920s and 1930s, long before the Nazis came to power (Weiss, 1987, Muller-Hill, 1988; Proctor, 1988; Kater, 1992). Many in the medical profession urged the Nazi leadership to undertake social policies that might lead to enhancing or increasing the genetic fitness of the German people (Kater, 1992). Eugenics consumed the German med...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Flutes Magical Music essays
The Flute's Magical Music essays Copyrighted in 1971 by the Zen-On Music Publishers Co. of Tokyo, Japan, the Takahashi Flute School (part of the Suzuki Method,) was designed to aid beginning flutists in their journey to become professional. It is set up as an individual practice method book, with obvious references to a needed listening source, but never gives one. Takahashis method is to teach fundamentals via elongated paragraphs and step-by-step instructions on how to properly handle, hold, and play the flute. This is followed by a very short section of exercises intended to aid in the text portion of the book. At the very end is a small fingering chart, for a reference of those notes new to the student. In my opinion, this book would not be a successful tool for a beginning flutist. The first half of the book is completely read-only, whereas Takahashi has assumed that by reading such the student will understand and formulate his/her own way of playing. For a student new to music, text-only is very difficult to comprehend, especially when there are words that both the child as well as the parent may not know. This is coupled by the fact that the original book was written in Japanese, so the translation into English is a bit shaky at times, and can be difficult to understand for its lack of continuity of structure. The second portion of Takahashis book is the music section. Here seventeen short exercises are offered. Again, I would not use this method for a beginning student. In no place during the second half of the book is there an explanation on how to do any of the music written in place here. Therefore, on the whole, this book would merely be a supplement to a second year or rapidly exceeding first year student, but definitely not the sole source. In introducing his techniques, Takahashi first explains the Suzuki method, hoping to clarify his ways of going through the beginning intricacies of flute playing. He fully believes that ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Personal professional development Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal professional development - Case Study Example nts in the gathering are some of those experiences which enable the leaner to explore those things and topics and issues which have not been read and understood previously. Many sources enable students to learn new and important things. For example, journal articles, books, website information and tutorial videos on YouTube are the most important sources for self-managed learning strategies. Self-reliance would be a key advantage. In the traditional learning style, a learner is required to rely on the support and attention of a tutor. And for this purpose, the learner is required to receive time, energy and attention from the tutor whereas the learner does not face such issues but more reliance is put on one’s own learning abilities in the self-managed learning approaches. Self-confidence is also improved. It has been observed that when a learner receives knowledge from a tutor; he is not only relying but also obtaining support for developing confidence on the learned things. On the other hand, the learner relies on the self-learning and self-managed strategies in which self-confidence is also increased naturally. The above mentioned self-managed learning approaches are only useful when the application of SWOT analysis is carried out. The SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well.1 These four strategic words enable a learner to pinpoint and understand his/her own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well. For example, if the learner is confident about some key words which are mainly used for understanding a topic, he can use and avail the source of the Internet for quickly learning new knowledge and improve self-confidence and experience a reduced reliance on the support of the tutors. It is not possible to use all constituent parts of the SWOT simultaneously. The SWOT approach has four parts and each one is totally and markedly different from the other. Under this situation, it would be very difficult to fully
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Health and Stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Health and Stress - Essay Example However, this paper aims to discuss gender differences and racial differences in terms of health behaviors. It has been observed that various races face identical stress and health problems. White and black are the most common and the basic classifications of races. However, in proper classification several names come. There are quite a few studies on stress and health behaviors and its impact on stress and health. This paper aims to find out if the gender and racial disparities exit. In case these do, what are the consequences? This paper also tends to identify if group of black citizens are healthier or stronger than the group of white people or vice versa. Does a race or gender impact one’s health behavior? If not, then what could be the reason behind such differences? Older Hispanics and Asian Islanders came across cultural blend by the mean of cross cultural weddings. Health behavior and stress impact on individual are based on different patterns where age, race, mental level, education and gender. It is said that black mortality curve crises over whites (Martin & Soldo, 1997). Different races have different health states. As per an investigation, inferior mental health and self perceived health have been reported in African Americans. Research found out that health and stress are not directly linked to race; however, it depends on the body strength, age, gender and in many cases, marital status also impacts the health behavior. Research clearly indicated that if the earnings and studies are managed, robust racial changes in health and stress are not observed (Williams, Yu, Jackson, & Anderson, 1997, pp. 243-250). Several studies have been conducted to find out the disparities among races, behaviors, genders, ages, physical progress, educational level, job descriptions, income and their body and mental behaviors. The term health and stress disparities remained hot topic for researcher throughout in differentiating the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Olympics Essay Example for Free
Olympics Essay The Olympic games were brought back by a man named Pierre de Coubertin when he made a speech to the Athletic Society of France in 1892 (Doc 1). Since the games came back they have shaped the economies, national pride and the social changes in multiple countries. The economies of the countries who host the Olympic games generally have a boost in the economy. With a few exceptions like South Korea. Even with the Olympic games being hosted in Seoul, none of their companies were selected as top sponsors. â€Å"Korean companies are not on the list. Korea failed to avail itself of an opportunity to display its industrial and economic power to a worldwide television audience. †(Doc 7) One country that always contributed to the games was the United States. In 1980 when the games were hosted in Moscow, the USA contributed less than 200 million. Twenty years later in the year 2000, they contributed over 1,200 million when the games were hosted in Sydney. (Doc 9) Many of the documents shown had national pride behind them. Many critics talked highly of the Soviet Union when the Olympic games were to be held in Moscow for the 1980 games. Saying that the Soviet Union â€Å"is a beacon of peace, democracy, and social progress. †(Doc 6) But when it came to what they Americans thought, it was far from that. Bob Matthias form the United States, once said â€Å"You just loved to beat’em. You just had to beat’em. †(Doc 4) This is because of the long rival that these two countries have had ever since the cold war had started. His perception of the Russians was skewed because he had a long standing with them. He didn’t see them as real competitors. Some countries always went up and down, like Pakistan. There â€Å"social values which have shrunk from that of national pride to self-promotion. †(Doc 10) Ali Kabir, a sports writer states that they have lost what has once made them great, and that is work. â€Å"The current national team is clueless and has tarnished the country’s name. †For a few countries it was more than national pride, for Japan it was more of a national crusade. They felt that this was a perfect time to come back as a world trade power. (Doc 5) For other countries like Germany, it was also more than just national pride. For Hitler it was a way to show that Germans were superior. He always made protests that always helped the Germans and no one else. (Doc 3) Although he was less concerned about medals, he was more concerned about gaining propaganda. Women were on the bottom of the totem pole during that start of the Olympics in 1896. When the games were hosted in Great Britain in 1908, only two percent of athletes were women. (Doc 2) It would take a long time for women to take root in the Olympics. In 1992 the games were held in Spain and twenty nine percent of the athletes were women. A woman named Hassiba Boulmerka once said â€Å"My victories give me confidence, and they give confidence to my country. I represent my country and all the women I my country who aspire to be athletes. †(Doc 8) A document I would like to have seen would be one containing a record of how a restaurant would have increased sales. This would have shown how wealth effects the modern Olympics. The Olympics helped increase revenue in the surrounding areas of the stadiums. They produced massive amounts of national pride and the social status of women is still evolving.
Friday, November 15, 2019
to be or not to be paraphrase :: essays research papers
excellent paraphrase! I enjoyed it very much 2) The question is to live or not to live. Is it more noble to suffer the outrageous misfortunes or to oppose those misfortunes and end my life. I wish very much to die and no longer suffer the heartaches and natural shocks that exist. When we are dead it is possible that we can no longer dream, but when we sleep we can dream. There is no reason to suffer through life for so long. Who would want to suffer all the things that are bad in life, and there is so much; unrequited love, the lack of efficient law, poor leadership. The patient man can not handle all of this and instead wants to take matters into his own hand even with a simple dagger. This would relieve the stresses that are suffered. But we do not know what awaits us in the after-life and this is what is so frightening. No one has ever returned from death and this is why it is so frightening. When we die we go someplace that we are not familiar with and join people whom we are not familiar with. This is why we are all afraid of death, and so the person who thinks about this situation does not know what to do. We are afraid of the action that we take causing death. But wait, What about Ophelia, the spirit. May my sins be remembered forever. 2) Before Hamlet begins his soliloquy the King is speaking with Polonius, the Queen, Ophelia, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The King is trying to discover what exactly is wrong with Hamlet because he has been acting very strangely with everybody. The King and Queen are hoping that Ophelia and his two friends will be able to find out what is troubling him. The soliloquy itself is a summation of all of Hamlet’s emotions throughout the play. Hamlet knows that his father was murdered by his uncle and he wants revenge, but he doesn’t know how to go about this revenge and that maybe it would be better just to die. He is terribly afflicted and torn between his emotions and his thoughts. He is also fearful, as he says death is unfamiliar to everyone and is that what he really wants.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Soul Taker
It was a dreary night of November and I was on my way back from camp. On the long journey home my friends told each other scary stories based on a myth that Miss Maiden told us the previous evening. It was a warm evening at camp, Miss Maiden and Mrs Jane were roasting marshmallows as the girls played clap games and the boys swooped Poke-mon cards, I sat there silently bringing back to mind a dream that I had about the woods next to the camp on Friday the 13th †¦ It was about a ashy castle on top of a uneven hill, it was burnt down because of all the evil spirits that was said to be lurking in vengeances for anyone who try to claim the castle. When I entered the castle on my left was a room; I struggled to open the door, a repulsive smell made my skin cells repel. the brown tarnished door I woke up. Damn! I sat there daydreaming trying to remember what I saw in the room but it didn't seem to work. Was it because I was hungry and drooling over those soft marshmallows? I think I might take a break and after eating it might sort out my ‘amnesia'. We sat in a circle around the fire eating the hot marshmallows on sticks; Miss Maiden began telling a scary myth, I didn't see the point, she might as well read a fairytale because they were never scary! I didn't pay much attention to her until she said†¦ ‘a rigidly hill were a castle stands ‘ I suddenly stop gulping down my marshmallows and looked at Miss Maiden, Her eyes were luminously shining as the moon light reflected off her pupils, she looks around at us slowly purposely catching eye connections. She then sharply points to the woods behind us making us all jump in fear. There was nothing behind us Miss Maiden and Mrs Jane started to laugh, I was furious I dropped my marshmallows on the floor, Mrs Jane told us to settle down to continue the story. She explained about a young girl called marline whose parents died when she was at the age of 12 and left there family house in her name. Her auntie moved in shortly after the death of her parents. In those times the deceased were buried in their own home. Her auntie treated her like a slave and said over and over again that the house belongs to her. When Marline was 17 her auntie decided to sell the property to a young couple. Mr and Mrs Vale. They were planning to destroy the house and build a bungalow on top of the hillside as it had the most beautiful sights in the whole town. When her auntie told her about it Marline was outraged she stood up to her auntie referring to her parents will of the house. Her auntie responded showing her authority over her. Marline ran to her room crying thinking of many evil ways to stop the couple from buying the house. Then it suddenly came across to her†¦ She knew what she had to do. Marlines auntie cried out to her to get her a glass of ginger beer. Marline runs to the kitchen and gets a glass out the left cabinet on the wall. She looks around her to see if any one was there she then opened a bottle with the caution skull sign on it and poured it into the glass. She opened the bottle of ginger beer and poured it right up to the brim of the glass, bubbles foamed up and out. Marline ran to the sink grabbed a napkin and quickly wiped up the ginger beer. She goes to the room which was on the left side of the kitchen and gave her auntie the glass with a devilish smile on her face. Her auntie drank it breathing hard collapsed and died. Marline ran to catch her before she dropped on the floor because she knew that the weight of dead people are double there size. She lays her flat on the couch and covers her with a white lace. She calls someone and says her auntie dead. She then runs up to the 4th floor leaving the phone unhooked and hides in a secret closet trying not to breathe too hard. The door bell rang continuously then she heard a loud noise and voices became crystal clear. She looked through the little gaps between the closest and saw the police searching up and down to see if anyone was in. The noise all of a sudden stopped and the door shut she came out the closet and looked out the window discreetly she saw men put her auntie behind a carriage. Marline couldn't handle it she went into her mothers and fathers old room and took her fathers razor and slit her wrists, she vowed that no one would ever step foot into her property again. As Miss Maiden told us the myth I could feel myself turning dusky pale and barley white shivering next to the fire. Mrs Jane asked me if I was alright. I just stared at her like there was something on her face. She covered me with a blanket and patted me on top of my head. All that was running through my head was my dream†¦ I said to myself I am going to find that castle! But I didn't have a chance to I fell asleep and when I woke up it was afternoon and we were in a rush to pack our stuff to be on the coach promptly for 7pm. As I sat there leaning against the window sulking, . It was a full moon tonight, I looked up and the luminous moon was as bright as ever. Under the moon was a foggy mist and in that mist was like a shadow of some kind of triangle. I squinted my eyes to see if I could make out what it was. CASTLE! I shouted. Everyone immediately looked out the window. Mrs Jane looked above her glasses and told me to keep it quite, I smiled. When I get home that night I will come back and go to the castle. I couldn't wait. It was now 8:30 pm and we finally reached school, when I got out the coach it was lashing with rain and striking with thunder, I took my little hand luggage and put my coat over my head squinting my eyes to see if I could spot mummy's new black car.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Health Hazards of Using Excessive Computers
Computers are very important and help us in many ways but they can also cause us problems. Some of the problems are,backache which is caused by improper sitting posture and can be prevented by sitting upright with your back resting on the backrest chair. The other problem is eye strain which can be caused by radiations emitted by the monitor and can be prevented by regulating the amount of light from the monitor and avoid using a flickering monitor. A neck ache is caused by putting the monitor above the eye level and can be avoided by positioning your monitor on the same level with your eyes.The Risks With the increase in computer use, a number of health and safety concerns related to vision and body aches and pains have arisen. Many problems with computer use are temporary and can be resolved by adopting simple corrective action. Most problems related to computer use are completely preventable. However it is important to seek prompt medical attention if you do experience symptoms in cluding: * continual or recurring discomfort * aches and pains * throbbing * tingling numbness * burning sensation * or stiffness Seek help even if symptoms occur when you are not working at your computer. Laptop computers can present particular problems due to small screens, keyboards and inbuilt pointing devices (e. g. a small portable mouse or touchpad). Prolonged use of laptops should be avoided. If using a laptop as a main computer (i. e. use as a normal desktop computer in addition to use as a portable), it is advisable to use the laptop with a docking station.This allows an ordinary mouse, keyboard and monitor to be used with the laptop. The main risks associated with using computers include: * Musculoskeletal problems * Eye strain and a greater awareness of existing eye problems Rashes and other skin complaints have also been reported, although it is thought these are caused by the dry atmosphere and static electricity associated with display units rather then by the display units themselves. There are potential risks from radiation though this is a contentious area. Musculoskeletal problemsThese can range from general aches and pains to more serious problems and include: * Upper limb disorders such as repetitive strain injury (RSI) tenosynovitis and carpal tunnel syndrome – by far the most important as it can quickly lead to permanent incapacity * Back and neck pain and discomfort * Tension stress headaches and related ailments These types of problem can be caused by: * Maintaining an unnatural or unhealthy posture while using the computer * Inadequate lower back support * Sitting in the same position for an extended period of time * An ergonomically poor workstation set upEye strain Computer users can experience a number of symptoms related to vision including: * Visual fatigue * Blurred or double vision * Burning and watering eyes * Headaches and frequent changes in prescription glasses Computer work hasn't been proven to cause permanent eye damage, but the temporary discomfort that may occur can reduce productivity, cause lost work time and reduce job satisfaction. Eye problems are usually the result of visual fatigue or glare from bright windows or strong light sources, light reflecting off the display screen or poor display screen contrast.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Cloning will help essays
Cloning will help essays Cloning Will Help Us in the Long Run. One issue that has come up within the past five years is the issue of human cloning. This issue has made many people quarrel about if it is morally right or not. One argument against human cloning that many people are looking into now, is whether cloning is ethical. Many people are against this issue, on the other hand, many people are for it. This controversy is currently going on and will be even a greater controversy if the government allows cloning. Both sides are very convincing about their point of view and state good reasons for taking their side of the issue. However, the side that says it is good to use human cloning outweighs the other side greatly. A lot of people think, and I admit I thought this way a few months ago, that cloning human beings is immoral. In a book edited by Michael Ruse, and Aryne Shepherd, it is quoted that some people say that cloning is a blatant violation of thee inner meaning of parent-child relations(123). Some of these people think this because they do not understand the immense amount of education and understanding this process could provide if carried through. Also, more people would want cloning to be a general practice if they just took the time to read more into this subject. They would then find that cloning is an exciting and very helpful scientific breakthrough. Some scientists are getting ready to clone their first baby, despite all of the controversy and laws prohibiting this practice. They think that sooner or later everyone will look at cloning as just another IVF (In vitro fertilization) technique. This example is a very good way at looking at this practice. Once perfected, if this were to be done, it may help solve some of the problems that certain IVF techniques pose today. Making cloning another IVF technique is a good way to use this new process also, because it will be very useful and will help couples that...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Terrible Writing Advice from a Caveman Author Reedsy
Terrible Writing Advice from a Caveman Author Reedsy Paleo Publishing: Terrible Writing Advice from a Caveman Author Last year, the team at Reedsy spoke with an author from the Paleolithic era who had recently been discovered and unfrozen. He was kind enough to share his top tips for book marketing which, while wholly inapplicable to modern authors, did provide an insight into how cavemen used to publish books.As part of a blog tour to promote his latest novel, Blood Cave, the Caveman Author kindly sat down with us to share some frankly terrible writing advice that should have gone the way of the dinosaur. Terrible writing advice from @caveman_author, the paleolithic Stephen King Reedsy: Caveman Author, thanks for agreeing to share your top writing tips with the authors here at Reedsy. Caveman Author: VERY HAPPY TO SHARE ALL CAVEMAN AUTHOR KNOWLEDGE. ALSO, CAVEMAN AUTHOR PUBLICIST MAKE HIM TO DO THIS. SO NO CHOICE HERE, REALLY.Fair enough. You recently tweeted that authors should â€Å"write what they know,†which is why a lot of your protagonists are also cavemen. But how would you respond to accusations that your main characters are â€Å"Mary Sue†figures?WHAT THAT?It’s when a character is seemingly too perfect and capable, often suggesting that the author is indulging in wish-fulfillment. LRH. Caveman Author's favorite new writer.AS SOON AS YOU WRITE â€Å"THE END†, SEND BOOK OFF TO AGENT. IF AGENT WRITE BACK AND ASK WHY BOOK HAVE SO MANY â€Å"ISSUES†LIKE SPELING AND PLOT, THEN BREAK INTO AGENT CAVE WHEN HE SLEEP FOR â€Å"EDITORIAL DISCUSSION†LOLLIKE CAVEMAN AUTHOR, TAKE ELROND ADVICE: FIRST DRAFT, LAST DRAFT, GET IT OUT THE CAVE.Sounds like terrible writing advice. Thanks again for your time, Caveman Author.BYEEEEEEEDo you have any questions for the Caveman Author? Or perhaps you have some terrible writing advice of your own to share? Leave a message in the comments below.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The effectiveness of international criminal law demands clarity in Coursework
The effectiveness of international criminal law demands clarity in respect of the law and jurisdiction and fairness in its enforcement requiring state support. Discuss - Coursework Example International criminal law (ICL) is not an old maxim. The concept generally emerged after the occurrence of World-War II. However, even after more than 50 years of its development, the law is still subjected to numerous contentions and controversies. Several international lawyers strongly believe that ICL lacks uniformity and autonomy that makes quite difficult for its widespread application. At the same time, it is debated that ICL has complex and rigid impact on the sovereignty of a nation. The major sources of ICL are identified to be treaties, Customary International Law (CIL), general principle of law, judicial decisions and learned writing. The scope and operation of these sources of ICL in establishing liability for crimes are argued to be not clarified. The role of International Criminal Courts (ICCs) in prosecuting the international grave crimes such as genocide, war crime and crime against humanity are claimed to be extremely important. However, according to the principle o f complementarity, ICCs are entitled to intervene and criminalise crime only when states are unable or unwilling to provide proper jurisdiction1. Against this backdrop, the study discusses about the effectiveness of ICL, which demands clarity in respect of the law and jurisdiction and fairness in its enforcement requiring state support. International criminal law (ICL) is a discrete body or subsection of public international law. In general, international law deals with inter-state relations, while ICL is paradigmatically related with restrictions placed to individuals. More specifically, international law defines responsibilities of individuals rather than states. Correspondingly, the individuals who are imposed with responsibilities are prohibited and punished according to international mechanism wherein their acts are deemed to be violation or crime under international
Friday, November 1, 2019
Sickle Cell Trait Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sickle Cell Trait - Research Paper Example Normal red blood cells are smooth and round and therefore can easily move through blood vessels. Sickle cell trait (AS) differs from sickle cell disease (SS) in which two abnormal hemoglobin genes is present, one from each parent. Sickle cell disease is a genetic disorder that affects red blood cells, making them rigid, sticky and sickle shaped. Sickling causes plugging of blood vessels to occur which essentially hinders the transport of oxygen from lungs to various organs in the body. The objective of this paper is to highlight the various aspects of the sickle cell trait namely the historical evidences, mode of inheritance and its various complications. Historical evidences: The first case of death due to sickle cell trait was documented between March 1968 and February 1969 at Fort Bliss where four army recruits collapsed and died during basic training. Since 2000, nine college football players have died from sickle cell trait complications, by far the biggest non-traumatic killer in the sport. In March 2008, a jury finds the UCF Athletics Association negligent in the death of 19-year old Erech Plancher, who collapsed and died after offseason conditioning drills. ... When both parents have the trait, their child will have a 50% chance of having the trait (hemoglobin AS), as well as a 25% chance of being normal (hemoglobin AA) and a 25% chance of having sickle cell disease (hemoglobin SS). These risks are associated with each pregnancy. Linus Pauling asserts "I have suggested that the time might come in the future when information about heterozygosity in such serious genes as the sickle cell anemia gene would be tattooed on the forehead of the carriers, so that young men and women would at once be warned not to fall in love with each other." Complications: Sickle cell trait is normally considered a harmless condition, but extreme physical activity can lead to complications that can be fatal. Complications from sickle cell trait are important because about three million people in the United States have this genotype, about 40 to 50 times the number with sickle cell disease. (Kark 2000). When the individual is at rest, their red blood cells are norm al but rigorous exercise regimes induce sickling to occur and cause several problems. Such problems include increased urinary tract infection in women, gross hematuria, splenic infarction with altitude hypoxia or exercise, and life-threatening complications of exercise, exertional heat illness (exertional rhabdomyolysis, heat stroke, or renal failure) or idiopathic sudden death (Sears 1978; Serjeant 1992; Kark and Ward 1994 and Sears 1994). We will consider each of these problems in more detail. The frequency of urinary tract infection is higher in women with SCT than in racially matched controls, especially during pregnancy, when the frequency is about double (Pastore, Savitz and Thorp 1990). The presence of SCT in men was not associated with
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