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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Exposition universelle of 1889 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Composition universelle of 1889 - Essay Example In any case, the period significantly affected the normal sciences, instruction, and historiography. Likewise, this period is attempted to have intricate and impressive effect on governmental issues. It is related with radicalism and progressivism and later on patriotism (Breckman 10). This paper will take a gander at the Romantic time or Romanticism and think about an artistic creation and a melodic work. The Romantic period confirms extreme feelings as a real premise of tasteful comprehension, putting accentuation on feelings, for instance, wonderment, awfulness and fear, and misgiving. This is particularly that which is experienced in handling the sublimity of wild nature and its enchanting highlights, both current tasteful gatherings. This period advances antiquated custom and society workmanship to something thoughtful. Besides, the Romantic time makes immediacy an appealing element and promoters for a characteristic presentation of individuals exercises as habituated by normal procedures with regards to standard use and language. The Rational time comes to past the classicist and sound extreme models to raise a revived component of workmanship and account and medievalism dared to be sensibly medieval with an end goal to escape from the limits of industrialism, never-ending suburbia, and populace development (Breckman 19). This period additionally attempts to grasp the far off, new, and outlandish in structures more certifiable than Rococochinoiserie, using the intensity of the creative mind to get away and to imagine. Painting The Romantic period initially shows up in scene painting, in the visual expressions. One of the most noticeable specialists of the Roman period is the pioneer of The Hudson River School, Thomas Cole, from America (Powell 6). This school focuses on creating scenes of the United States landmass in a peaceful area where people are seen to be associated with their territory. These craftsmen welcome the assorted variety and magnificence of the American scene as originating from God’s elegance. Additionally, these artists’ works build up a visual delineation of the musings of American introspective philosophy. The artistic creation of center is The Course of Empire. This is a painting containing five pieces. This artwork is one of the most perceived artistic creations of Thomas Cole. The Course of Empire shows the craftsman is attempting to contend against religion that isn't agreeing with nature. The artistic creation was created somewhere in the range of 1833 and 1836. The five sizeable works of art are an image of a stunning domain and its procedure from creation to devastation and restoration. Thomas Cole delineates the entire composition arrangement in view of the select scenes that go about as the area and subject of every domain stage (Powell 13). The artistic creation can likewise be attempted to speak to the five phases of development. This general public forms to radiance and afterward disint egrates. The works of art feature the Romantic concern that the advancement of contemporary life is interfering with the tranquil existence of the past and will wind up debilitating the structure of human progress. The Savage State This is the main painting. It portrays the valley from the shore contiguous the bank. It is an unfolding blustery day with a diminish light. There is a tracker wearing skins, he is in a rush, and he is chasing a deer. There are additionally kayaks climbing waterway. On the shore, there is a fire encircled by a group of wigwams (Powell 18). This is a visual reference of Native American living. The Arcadian In this work of art, the sky is clear, and it is morning of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Strain of Mother-Daughter Relationships in Annie John Essay
The Strain of Mother-Daughter Relationships in Annie John Jamaica Kincaid precisely depicts how youthfulness can strain mother-little girl connections. The mother-little girl connections are widespread however it isn't clear why we stay away from the topic(Gerd). The dad little girl connections and the mother-children connections are the issues for the most part discussed. In Jamaica Kincaid's tale, Annie John, she clarifies and gives knowledge into mother-little girl connections. In Annie John, there are occasions that make individuals consider their relationship with their own mom. Kincaid communicates this relationship through her principle character Annie who attempts to locate her own character. The connection among Annie and her mom (likewise called Annie) was solid and they do a great deal of things together. When Annie turns twelve, she begins to experience a few changes which numerous young people regularly experiences. With the end goal for Annie to develop and plan for the world, Annie's mom advised her to locate her own specific manner of life. Because of these new changes, the connection among Annie and her mom starts to decline. Annie now did things her mom objected to. Toward the finish of the story, their relationship was alright yet not as solid as it was previously. In the wake of perusing this book I saw that the fundamental issue talked about in her novel, is all the stages mother-little girl connections experience. The mother-little girl connections are extraordinary connections. This is a relationship most little girls have with their mom from birth. Both male and female kids are appended to their mom from birth, however most male youngster rapidly becomes out of it. The little girl is so connected to the mother in a perplexing manner in whic... ... Louis F. Caton. Sentimental Struggles: The Bildungsroman and Mother- Little girl Bonding in Jamaica Kincaid's Annie John. Melus. vol. 21, No.3. Fall 1996. 125-42. Rpt. in Literature Resource Center. Nagel, James. Edgy Hopes, Desperate Lives: Depression and Self Acknowledgment in Jamaica Kincaid's Annie John and Lucy. Traditions, Voices, and Dreams: The American Novel Since the 1960s. Ed. Melvin J. Friedman and Ben Siegel. U. of Delaware P, 1995, 237-53. Rpt. in Novels for Students. vol. 3. Rpt. in Literature Resource Center. Phyllis NCTU. The Images in Annie John. 4 May 2000. 10 Dec. 2000. William M. Smith. Annie's Mother and Mary: Motherhood in Various Abstract Forms. 26 July 1999. 15 Dec. 2000.
Authenticity Berlin Essay Example
Validness Berlin Essay Example Validness Berlin Essay Validness Berlin Essay This report has been composed as consequences of research previously and during the fieldtrip in Berlin. It will concentrate on the subject of this case, in particular realness, commodification and their relationship with the travel industry. The point of this report is to discover a response to the difficult articulation: In what sense can the travel industry result of Berlin be considered as valid? Along these lines five research questions were given and will be managed in this report. The main research question is What are the meanings of validness and commodification, and what is their connection to the travel industry? The subsequent research question What is viewed as the travel industry result of Brussels? will give a short outline of the primary vacationer hotspots in Berlin. In addition the inquiry In what way is credibility utilized in commercials and showcasing? also, What are instances of co altered culture in Berlin? will be replied. The last research questions Do visitors experience the bona fide Berlin will concentrate on the aftereffects of meetings which have been directed during the fieldtrip in Berlin. At last, the response to the difficult will be given in the in the determination just as a short rundown of the central matters regarding the examination questions. Realness and commodification in relationship with the travel industry Inside the travel industry the term legitimacy is frequently clarified by the genuine and conventional. In any case, there are such huge numbers of meanings of the term credibility. Like the word reference expressed legitimacy is known to be genuine and real (Soanes, Hawker and Elliot, 2006). Numerous others showed that the importance of the term is close to home, so every individual has its own feeling about it. This implies the travel industry items can be valid for one individual, yet is inauthentic for another person. Research has been closed to check the distinction among legitimate and inauthentic. Dann expressed that valid can be identified with something before, herby one can think about a time, culture and customs. Validness assumes a significant job in the travel industry concentrates as per Hughes. (Dann, 2002). Gilmore Pine II (2007) recommended that genuineness comes contrasted and the executives devices too so as to support organizations, and obviously additionally organizations inside the travel industry, for instance render validness by actualizing explicit procedures (Gilmore Pine II, 2007). Additionally, there is organized validness, which implies that the parts of a specific culture which are known by the traveler are still performed by the nearby network. Be that as it may, in certainty it is just a show for the travelers and in the day by day life of local people it isn't utilized any longer. For example Venice you see wherever gondolas, yet just loaded up with vacationer. Validness comprises out of 3 unique sorts, to be specific target, productive and existential realness. As indicated by Dann target credibility implies when a visited object is bona fide the experience is true also; a noteworthy occasion is real when it is sorted out in its unique setting and timespan. Productive credibility relies upon the way that the travelers must consider the to be as bona fide, which incorporates that the legitimacy relies upon the individual who presents the item rather than the article itself. The last sort of legitimacy is close to home, where the connection between voyagers assumes a significant job. There are two differentiations the de re-experience, which is brought about by one experience like visiting the Louver and encountering the genuine Mona Lisa, while de other sort has to do with the character of an encounter, than the Mona Lisa in Las Vegas can be valid too (Dann, 2002). The change of merchandise and enterprises (or things that may not regularly viewed as products or administrations) into a ware. (Kadijk, 2009). This is a meaning of the term commodification Kadijk additionally include that commodification isn't just about acceptable and administrations, yet it has likewise to do with customs, functions, people expressions and so forth. Commodification can be characterized into three sorts of qualities; which are use esteem dependent on the handiness of an item; the worth and unique reason for the network. Also, the trade esteem which is identified with the measure of visitor who might want to pay for it. Besides, there is the sign worth which incorporates the individual impression of the vacationer (Kadijk, 2009). Commodification can be identified with the term validness and is frequently observed as negative. Since it causes debasement encountering the genuine culture it incorporated the loss of inborn estimation of a culture. All things considered, is has likewise focal points for neighborhood networks, the enthusiasm of visitor in the way of life will develop and the presence of customary artworks is influenced by this marvel. The travel industry brings about commodification of social perspectives; which are delivered and performed uniquely for the vacationers. (Halewood, 2001). To finish up the two terms can be identified with the travel industry. Legitimacy portrays the conventional culture, as arranged credibility demonstrates the old customs to the voyagers. Commodification implies the change of good, benefits just as ceremonies and so on inside a ware. It has regularly inconveniences, similar to the degrading of the genuine culture. The travel industry result of Berlin In the wake of visiting Berlin and its attractions, it very well may be reasoned that there is incredible assortment of problem areas in the city. In any case, this paper centers around five of them, and each will be clarified. These problem areas are as per the following: Reichstag, Brandenburg Tor, Checkpoint Charlie, Alexanderplatz and the Olympia arena. In the first place, one of the most celebrated problem areas in Berlin is Reichstag. It was work somewhere in the range of 1884 and 1894, and it was the principal German Parliament. Later on, in 1933 the structure was nearly wrecked in a fire and it was revamped in the late sixties. From the late sixties the structure is utilized for various purposes and by various associations. Since 1999 the structure is again the seat of the German Parliament. The outside of the design of Reichstag contrasts from the inside. The outside engineering is Renaissance, while the inside has current plan. A fascinating piece of the structure is the glass and take arch. The following problem area is the Brandenburg Tor which was image of the division of Berlin. It was worked in 1791 via Carl Gotthard Langhans. The Brandenburg Gate used to be the primary access to the city, yet today it is just the entryway that is still there. The door is arranged in the focal point of Berlin, and it is near numerous attractions of the city. The design of the door is elegance and it is affected by the Acropolis in Athens. The door comprises of six segments, which structures five passages, and it was utilized uniquely by celebrated individuals. Different doors, on the two sides of the fundamental five doorways were utilized by the conventional individuals. The following shocking fascination of Berlin is Checkpoint Charlie, arranged at the notable Mitte area, which is image of the division of the Berlin. Besides, it was where individuals crossed the limit between the West and East piece of the city. Checkpoint Charlie is the main spot in Berlin which is as yet bona fide. The proof for the credibility of the spot despite everything exists and it is the sign You are leaving the American area. The sign is written in four dialects, to be specific German, English, Russian and French. The Checkpoint Charlie is anything but difficult to get to, and numerous different attractions can be visited in the encompassing. The accompanying problem area of Berlin is the Alexanderplatz. It is arranged at the authentic focal point of Berlin. The site was named on the Russian ruler Alexander I, who visited Berlin in 1805. Be that as it may, numerous structures at the square were devastated in the Second World War Later on, in the nineteenth century it became present day mall. In the environmental factors of the Alexanderplatz is the TV tower, which is perhaps the tallest structure in Europe. The last problem area, which will be portrayed in this paper, is the Olympia arena. It is arranged a long way from the inside, however it is as yet favored goal for the vacationers and particularly for the soccer fans. The Olympia arena is place for sport exercises and occasions and it has 74,500 seats. The arena was opened in 1936 and reproduced in 1974. The Olympia arena was have for the Summer Olympics in 1936 and FIFA World Cup in 2006, where the groups of France and Italy played the finals. The arena offers guided visits in which the guests have the chance to see the VIP lounges and the changing rooms of the soccer players. Genuineness in ads and advertising These days, publicizing to draw in more vacationers is less centered around the item data, yet increasingly about the encounters of traveler and basically the bona fide encounters. This can be found in the leaflets which depict Berlin. To advance a specific traveler goals, consistently the hotspots are utilized in notices and advertising. To advance Berlin as a universal the travel industry goal the Branderburger entryway is mostly utilized in ads. It would already be able to be found in the logo of the Berlin Tourismus Marketing Organization which is liable for the overall advancement of Berlin as a universal visitor goal. Or then again the Berlin divider is a genuine model, in light of the fact that practically all the traveler know something about the history and which job the Berlin played in the Second World War To feature the twentieth commemoration of the fall of the Berlin Wall, a TV spot is made to advance Berlin worldwide on CNN in this game Berlin is advanced as an unprecedented city. Berlin has a great deal of chances like they assemble a totally different current train station, yet additionally have old noteworthy structures. In a handout about the craftsmanship exhibition hall in Berlin brought in German the Gem㠯⠿â ½ldegalerie, which assortment one of the greatest from workmanship between the thirteenth and eighteenth century an image of a cutting edge building is appeared on the facade of the pamphlet
Friday, August 21, 2020
Projects and Project Management Benefits or Loss
Question: Examine about the Report for Projects and Project Management and the Benefits or Loss. Answer: Presentation The report talks about the significance and idea of the term Project. It likewise shows the significance of Project Management alongside the stages and procedures that are associated with the equivalent. A genuine assignment has been and related with the systems that go under Project Management. The advantages and difficulties of the Project Management for the associations have likewise been talked about in the report. Venture A venture is characterized as an action or a one-time exertion that is mind boggling and non-routine in nature and is limited by plan, spending plan, assets and execution determinations. It is constantly intended to meet a lot of goals that characterize the client needs. Undertaking Life Cycle The existence pattern of the venture is made out of four stages. Characterizing This is the primary stage in the venture life cycle and incorporates the assignment of characterizing the objectives, details, exercises to be done and the duties. Arranging After the definitions are finished, arranging of different components fundamental during the undertaking, for example, financial plan, plan, assets, staffing and hazards is completed. Executing This is the third stage in the venture life cycle which incorporates the pragmatic use of the undertakings and gives the result in type of status reports, changes, quality checks and estimates. Shutting The last stage in the task life cycle incorporates the conduction of instructional courses alongside planning of move and discharge reports. A record of the exercises got the hang of during the undertaking time allotment is additionally made. Task Management Task Management and its procedures have been significantly placed in to rehearse by the associations in the current period. A portion of the components that have prompted the equivalent are corporate scaling down, expanded client consideration, information blast and minimization of the item life cycle. Undertaking Governance and Integrated Management of Projects Undertaking Management involves a ton numerous exercises and the coordinated administration of the tasks incorporates the accompanying three columns. Key Alignment It is amazingly basic for the venture to be in a consistent arrangement with the technique behind the equivalent. Any adjustments in the technique will undoubtedly straightforwardly influence the task progress. The technique for the undertaking should center upon the quick client and arrangement of the issues related with the equivalent. Additionally, venture directors must guarantee that the key administration of the task covers the accompanying: Venture is connected with the methodology Legitimate distribution of assets and reacting to the adjustments in the procedure in an auspicious way Missions, objectives, targets, execution, usage and procedure ought to be firmly connected with one another The four exercises that must be finished by this procedure are demonstrated as follows. Exercises of Strategic Alignment and Management Likewise, the goals related with a task and an association must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic and Time related) in nature. Venture Portfolio Management This component of the coordinated venture the executives helps in crossing over the usage hole among top and center level supervisors and furthermore helps in compromise alongside managing the association legislative issues. It likewise helps in the precise asset distribution, hazard evaluation and improved correspondence. The structure of the portfolio venture the executives incorporates the accompanying exercises. Arrangement of the activities is likewise dictated by type, for example, vital undertakings, consistence ventures and operational tasks. Task Selection Models and Screening Portfolio Management System incorporates the determination models and multi-weighted scoring models for the choice procedure. Determination models incorporate budgetary models, for example, recompense model and Net Present Value strategy. It likewise covers non-monetary models which depend on the undertaking methodology. Multi-rules determination incorporates agenda made on a few parameters and question and the multi weighted scoring model. Generally Project Management The coordinated undertaking the board incorporates the third action which cares for all the sub-exercises during the venture lifecycle. Difficulties of Project Management The mistaken choice and decision of the Project Manager may antagonistically influence the administration and venture progress. Nonappearance of right assets may prompt presence of extraordinary issues and furthermore improved probability of the dangers. Advantages of Project Management It smoothes out all the exercises that happen during the task life cycle. The dangers that may happen during the task can be taken care of in a superior manner and furthermore in the event that such an occasion happens, at that point the undertaking the executives recommends a few techniques to manage the equivalent. The approval between the undertaking progress and the prerequisites is made on an opportune premise. The undertaking adheres to the timetable just as to the spending plan and any deviation is accounted for convenient to manage the equivalent. Genuine Example Project Management The errand of recording the highlights in a class is normal and experienced by all the understudies. The act of Project Management will smooth out the straightforward errand so as to have the better outcomes set up. The errand will have the goal of scoring passing marks in the assessment by recording admirably in the research paper. It will incorporate various sub-exercises according to the task the board rules. The venture system is keep up a normal duplicate of the class notes. The principal stage will incorporate characterizing of the objectives and destinations which is as expressed before. The understudy and the educator will be the prime assets alongside individual understudies. Arranging stage will incorporate the calendar of the classes and the job of the instructor in clarifying the subject and that of the understudy to handle and take notes. Execution stage will incorporate recording of the highlights by the understudy in a scratch pad with or without the help of the kindred understudies. The equivalent can be looked into by the educator too. The last stage that is shutting will draw out the elegantly composed and effectively depicted notes for each class went to by the understudy and will likewise cover the exercises picked up during the equivalent.
Should You Sell a Non-Core Business or Not
Should You Sell a Non-Core Business or Not So you have been thinking of buying an item of clothing for a long time. However, since it is quite on the expensive side, you are taking a long time in deciding whether to buy it or not. You have to weigh the pros and cons. Do you have enough money to buy it? Will you still have enough money left over after buying it? How will you go about buying it? How will you pay for it?Just a simple act of buying one item takes a lot of thought. Now, consider the other side of the fence. You have a piece of antique that you seem to no longer have any use of. Should you sell it or not? That question alone would bring about several other questions that you will have to consider before you reach a final decision. Do you need the money that you will get out of selling it? Is there any chance that you will need the item in future? How much are you going to sell it for? Who do you plan to sell it to? What terms of sale are you thinking of?When such a trivial case â€" selling a piece of antique furnit ure or buying an item of clothing â€"requires a lot of thinking on your part, think about how much more it would take when you are a businessman thinking of selling some assets or even business divisions or operations. Usually, this is a predicament faced by businessmen who have non-core assets, operations or businesses. © Shutterstock | pathdocIn this article, we discuss 1) what is a non-core business, 2) what are the benefits of having a non-core business or non-core assets, and 3) reasons for selling a non-core business and how the decision process looks like.WHAT IS A NON-CORE BUSINESS?You must have heard of non-core assets before. These are items that are used in incidental or peripheral activities of a business, not its main operations or normal activities. That same context can be used when defining a non-core business.Take, for example, a company with several parts or divisions that are operable as standalone businesses. The non-core businesses of this company are those that are not essential for the generation of revenue or profits. In other words, they are not the core businesses of the company. Some also include assets or businesses that are no longer used or operational in the category of non-core businesses.Core vs. Non-Core: A ComparisonHow do you differentiate core businesses from the non-core? Core businesses are those that are central to the main operations of a business organization, where the core earnings of the company are derived from. The non-core businesses are those that are only incidental to the company’s operations.In the case of a construction company, its core business is construction of infrastructure projects such as buildings and roads. However, it also has parts that focus on making and managing real estate investments, and it may also have a division in charge of the discovery and natural resources. These are the non-core businesses of the company.Identification of non-core businesses is not fixed across businesses, because it will depend on the nature or type of business. In the previous example, if we are talking about a real estate company instead of a construction company, the core business will be real estate, and the construction of buildings and roads will fall under its non-core businesses.In a simple comparison, a core business is strategic in nature and focused on the improvement of customer value. It is also deemed as the “profit center†of the company. A non-core business, on the other hand, does not have a strategic view, operating instead on a day-to-day basis. It is not concerned with the primary functions of the main company, and it certainly does not qualify as a profit center for the company.BENEFITS OF HAVING NON-CORE BUSINESSESDoes this mean that non-core businesses are useless, or of no use at all to the business? Not necessarily. If core assets are said to be crucial to the success of a business, there are also benefits to owning non-core businesses or assets, such as real estate, commodities, currencies, high-yield bonds and stock options.They improve the company’s net worth.In many cases, non-core businesses of a company are also indicators of that company’s overall health. When assessing the overall health of a company, attention is not always focused on the main or core operations, be cause others may tend to also consider the peripheral operations or businesses.On paper, the Asset section of your Statement of Financial Position will definitely look good. Aside from having a higher amount of assets, the company’s asset portfolio will also be diversified with the inclusion of these non-core businesses, which always add favorable points for the company that owns them.When investors are evaluating whether to put their money to a business or not, they tend to look at the overall picture, not just the core assets. They will also look into the non-core assets, or those that tend to be hidden, in order to come up with an informed decision on whether the company is worth investing in or not.They may serve as cushions for the company.Businesses should always have backup plans, and there are many companies that look at non-core assets or businesses as their backup plans. They act as cushions in cases of emergencies, such as when the company has an immediate need for cash or injection of capital, then they can use these non-core businesses to raise the funds that are needed.They add to the company’s net profit.Aside from your core earnings, or the earnings generated from the core activities or businesses of the company, you may also gain earnings from these non-core businesses. Yahoo, for example, is known for its core internet business, primarily on advertising on its different websites and the search engine.However, that is not the only source of income for the tech giant, since it also generates earnings from its non-core businesses, which includes several online companies (such as Tumblr and Flurry), as well as patents and intellectual property rights.REASONS FOR SELLING A NON-CORE BUSINESSSome business analysts flat out say that non-core businesses are business that you should not be running or operating AT ALL. They should immediately be stopped or divested. This is not an easy thing to do, however, and some businesses find it difficult to s imply let go of these units. However, with the proper motivation and the right reasons, selling a non-core business may be justified.In some parts of the world, the practice of selling non-core businesses is also becoming more commonplace, sometimes with governments having their say in the matter. In June 2015 in India, for example, the Finance Ministry stepped in and asked state-run banks to dispose of their non-core assets by selling them and using the money to reduce debt.Here we will take a look at the reasons why you should consider selling your non-core business.To prioritize resources and refocus business strategies.Stopping, disposing or divesting of a non-core business will free up time, money, and other resources that you can allocate to your core businesses. Also known as “carve-out transactionsâ€, where a smaller part (the non-core business) of a larger company is sold, this will allow the company to focus on its core business, purely operating on where it gets its co re earnings.Often, non-core businesses are described as “expensive distractionsâ€. They are even equated as “excess baggage†by some. They are there, but they are not helping. They are not your main operations, but they require significant amount of resources to keep running. The worst part is that your core operations may be suffering, because you have allocated resources to your non-core businesses, leaving your core business having to deal with resource shortage.Have a look at this checklist on deciding whether an activitiy is core or non-core to your business.[slideshare id=16955488doc=findingfocushownon-coreactivitiesareblurringyourstrategicvisionfinal-130305140053-phpapp01type=dw=640h=330]As an example, UK supermarket chain giant Tesco has decided to refocus on its core business, which is the supermarket. Therefore, it sold off Giraffe, a restaurant chain in the UK, and Dobbies Garden Centres, a garden retail chain. This, according to CEO Dave Lewis, was Tesco’s attem pt at focusing on its core strengths. It will come as no surprise, then, if Tesco also sells off its remaining non-core businesses, which include the coffee shop chain Harris Hoole.The refocus will not only strengthen the current operations, but also strengthen the brand or brands of the company. When it comes to consumer goods, British company Reckitt Benckiser, or simply RB, is a major player, with several well-known brands under its belt. But when it announced its plans to sell some of what it identified as “non-core brandsâ€, the reason they cited was because “they did not make it to their power brands listâ€. These non-core brands, which include health drink brands Robinson Barley and Purity and fabric whitener brand Robin Blue, apparently registered a decline in sales over the past years, spurring the decision of the company to sell them.Cash generation for working capital management.At some point, the company may find itself strapped for cash, for example, to meet incr easing working capital requirements. Liquidity may become a problem and its other resources may be tied up.A quick monetization solution would be to sell its non-core assets or businesses. This will save the company from having to take out short-term loans from banks or other lenders, because it can easily raise the money on its own.For reduction of indebtedness.Companies may also opt to sell their non-core businesses and use the proceeds to reduce their indebtedness. Debt restructuring will definitely benefit greatly from a well-planned and implemented divestiture or sale of non-core assets.This was what Canada’s Advantage Oil Gas Ltd. did when it sold all of its remaining non-core assets for a total consideration of $74.3 million in cash, debenture and shares of stock. The proceeds were used to pay off Advantage’s outstanding bank loans.This will also trickle down to the improvement of a company’s credit rating, thereby putting it in a better position in the business commun ity. In the future, when it enters into loan transactions and other similar transactions, they can rely on their good credit reputation to carry them through.Capital raising.The company may be thinking of expanding its core operations, or entering a new market. Obviously, these will entail infusion of capital. Instead of seeking external sources of capital such as lenders, banks, investors and venture capitalists, the company may prefer to raise capital internally.One of the ways to do that is to sell some or all of its non-core businesses. The proceeds from the sale will then be used to fund the expansion of core businesses.For cost-cutting purposes.Especially lately, large corporations look at divesting its non-core businesses as part of their cost-cutting initiatives. Even if non-core businesses are not central to their operations, the company will still have to incur costs on them. They would still have to pay the salaries and wages of employees assigned to these businesses. The businesses will also be incurring operational expenses, such as on utilities and administration. In addition, the real properties and fixed assets used in the non-core activities are also subject to depreciation.In one of the more recent non-core asset sales, British banking group Barclay’s sold its insurance operations in Italy, and they estimate their total annual costs to decrease by roughly €5 million.For consolidation of financial position.Large corporations with more than operational division may have trouble consolidating its financial position. After all, there are many angles to look into. This was the case with Devon Energy Corporation, an American oil and gas company that sold its upstream non-core businesses for close to $1 billion. This supported the company’s plan to streamline its asset portfolio and consolidate its financial position.The streamlining process will then enable management to take a better look at its company and its performance, and make decision s related to its future growth and profitability. When a non-core business is no longer deemed to be a strategic fit to the company, and it does not have the scale to improve the financial position and does not contribute anything to the advancement of the goals of the organization or parent company, then it is a good idea to sell it.To improve overall profit margin.Sometimes, we have to let go of underperforming businesses and ventures. It is possible that one of the peripheral units or businesses of a company may be incurring net losses from its operations and, when taken in the general books of accounts, they can bring down the company’s overall profit margin. The wisest choice would be to discontinue these non-core businesses.Let us once again take a look at Tesco. Aside from UK operations, it also has businesses operating in different parts of the world. For example, it used to have a grocery business in Istanbul, Turkey, which it listed as a non-core asset and sold off to a local competitor Migros. This move was in recognition of the fact that the grocery business was one of its underperforming businesses overseas.For organizational restructuring.Companies may also want to implement a reshuffle in their organizational structure, and one way to go about it is to lower the number of departments. It is possible that an organizational audit showed several redundant positions and designations, attributed primarily to non-core businesses.By selling some of these non-core businesses, the number of departments or units will be reduced, and the organizational structure, as a whole, will be leaner.MAKING THE DECISIONSo should you sell your non-core business or not?The answer should be YES, if:The company is in need of cash for its core operations, for capital expenditure or expansion, and there are no other ways of raising the needed cash or capital;The company’s debt position is precarious, and outstanding debts need to be settled immediately;The company’s non-core businesses are incurring losses and are draining company resources used in its core businesses;The company’s core operations need more attention and non-core businesses are taking up a lot of top management’s time.Doing so will increase shareholder value and improve the financial position of the company.In another non-core divestiture example, Royal Dutch Shell, another oil and gas company, cited several reasons for its plan to sell close to $40 billion of its non-core businesses.Shell’s takeover of BG Group in February 2016 made it the largest publicly-owned company in Britain and the largest producer of liquefied natural gas in the world. However, it also left Shell cash-poor.The merger also resulted in Shell’s liabilities reaching close to $81 billion, a sharp increase from $43.84 billion before the takeover. Shell’s CFO, Simon Henry, estimated that the sale will enable the company to reduce its debt by more than $50 billion over the next four years, until 2020 .Selling its non-core businesses was one of Shell’s attempts to cut its capital expenditures on these businesses.Clearly, the decision on whether you should sell your non-core assets or not (yet) will depend on the results of in-depth analysis, whether the benefits of keeping them will surpass the costs that will be incurred by the company.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Jeffty is Five by Harlan Ellison Book Review - 825 Words
Jeffty is Five by Harlan Ellison (Book Review Sample) Content: Jeffty is five by Harlan EllisonAuthorInstitutionJeffty is Five by Harlan EllisonIntroductionThe story begins by explaining the cold and untrustworthy world of America in the seventies. The author begins expressing how morally ill the present world has become recommending that there is need to look at the past and transform. The story explains that the author has a vision of passionately reshaping the modern morals believing that his vision is true. The Writer uses a straightforward and honest symbolism to express his emotions and thoughts about the past in comparison to the present. The author continues the story remembering how radio programs were when he was young. He compares the modern radio programs and that of the past showing major difference. The author says modern radio programs are full of awful loud music and weird talk shows presenters discussing their perverted sex lives on air.Jeffty is Five by Harlan EllisonIn the story, Jeffty is Five; the author trie s to portray a message that tells people not to root out the past claiming progress. The author is seen to hold on to the past creating a child who believes will not age. The story explains that the author makes a list of all the good things from the past then compares them with present things. One of the things that he compares was candy in the past. The author explains that candy in the past tasted better and was wrapped in a better paper. He also explains that it was big in size and was prices fairly. The candy also has been shrunk and expensive in the modern days. The author believes that this vision is true and meant for everyone saying that "we are all the same, all in this fragile skin, suffering the ugliness of simply being human, all to prey to the same mortal dreads." The author even uses a simple example of his box of 16 crayons. He explains that it was much better dealing with his box of crayons than the complex color schemes that the modern children have to deal with. This brings some form of contradiction showing that the author just enjoy things of the past not considering superiority. The author paints the picture that just because anything is no longer in existence makes it better. In some symbols, the author even admits that his life as an adult feels like jeffty. By this, the author encourages adults to reminisce the 5 year olds in them despite their adult responsibilities. The story encourages people to maintain a certain scene of innocence that children often exhibit and treasure the past. The main reason for the wishful narration that the author exhibits is that he feels his childhood was stolen. The author explains that he recalls being chased away from home twice. At a young age of five years and another time when he was ten years old. The details to him being sent away from home are not clear only that he could not stay out of trouble. The story brings about issues of trust ad nostalgia and how inseparable they are.The author expresse s the fact that being Jefftys friend, he was able to gain his trust therefore accessing his golden childhood. However, the author betrays this trust by losing it in the climax of the story. The various themes of nostalgia in the author and Jefftys childhood experiences are vividly explained holding the thought and awareness of history very close. This emotional reaction depicts how the main characters long for their idealized past and the complete denial of the present. This emotional state also is likely to cause denial of future progress. In small bits, this can seem harmless but when is controls all ... Jeffty is Five by Harlan Ellison Book Review - 825 Words Jeffty is Five by Harlan Ellison (Book Review Sample) Content: Jeffty is five by Harlan EllisonAuthorInstitutionJeffty is Five by Harlan EllisonIntroductionThe story begins by explaining the cold and untrustworthy world of America in the seventies. The author begins expressing how morally ill the present world has become recommending that there is need to look at the past and transform. The story explains that the author has a vision of passionately reshaping the modern morals believing that his vision is true. The Writer uses a straightforward and honest symbolism to express his emotions and thoughts about the past in comparison to the present. The author continues the story remembering how radio programs were when he was young. He compares the modern radio programs and that of the past showing major difference. The author says modern radio programs are full of awful loud music and weird talk shows presenters discussing their perverted sex lives on air.Jeffty is Five by Harlan EllisonIn the story, Jeffty is Five; the author trie s to portray a message that tells people not to root out the past claiming progress. The author is seen to hold on to the past creating a child who believes will not age. The story explains that the author makes a list of all the good things from the past then compares them with present things. One of the things that he compares was candy in the past. The author explains that candy in the past tasted better and was wrapped in a better paper. He also explains that it was big in size and was prices fairly. The candy also has been shrunk and expensive in the modern days. The author believes that this vision is true and meant for everyone saying that "we are all the same, all in this fragile skin, suffering the ugliness of simply being human, all to prey to the same mortal dreads." The author even uses a simple example of his box of 16 crayons. He explains that it was much better dealing with his box of crayons than the complex color schemes that the modern children have to deal with. This brings some form of contradiction showing that the author just enjoy things of the past not considering superiority. The author paints the picture that just because anything is no longer in existence makes it better. In some symbols, the author even admits that his life as an adult feels like jeffty. By this, the author encourages adults to reminisce the 5 year olds in them despite their adult responsibilities. The story encourages people to maintain a certain scene of innocence that children often exhibit and treasure the past. The main reason for the wishful narration that the author exhibits is that he feels his childhood was stolen. The author explains that he recalls being chased away from home twice. At a young age of five years and another time when he was ten years old. The details to him being sent away from home are not clear only that he could not stay out of trouble. The story brings about issues of trust ad nostalgia and how inseparable they are.The author expresse s the fact that being Jefftys friend, he was able to gain his trust therefore accessing his golden childhood. However, the author betrays this trust by losing it in the climax of the story. The various themes of nostalgia in the author and Jefftys childhood experiences are vividly explained holding the thought and awareness of history very close. This emotional reaction depicts how the main characters long for their idealized past and the complete denial of the present. This emotional state also is likely to cause denial of future progress. In small bits, this can seem harmless but when is controls all ...
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Short Story - 1925 Words
She tripped and almost fell when a fellow first year student bumped into her, anxious to get into the Great Hall. She cursed under her breath and pushed her brunette hair out of her face. The brunette girl was stuck in stampede of first year students, all of them rushing into the Great Hall to get sorted into their houses. Finally, she was able to navigate her way through the storm and stepped into the Great Hall. She looked around at the second to seventh year students as she slowly smoothed out her blue and cranberry robes. Everyone went silent as a young woman with platinum blonde hair, holding a scroll, cleared her throat. Hello students and welcome to Ilvermorny! I am Professor Whitby, she announced rather cheerfully. Shes†¦show more content†¦A warrior. She was escorted from the room. Ragnok Clearwater! the wampus carving roared when he stepped up to the knot. An adventurer. Jessika Schroder! a jet black-haired girl stepped up to the knot. The horned serpent carvings eyes glowed. A scholar. Many students later the brunette girls name was finally called. Amanda Benson! she stepped up to knot making sure her slight nervousness wouldnt show. She stepped up to the knot and after what seemed like an eternity later she heard the roar of the wampus. She assumed that was the house she got into but saw the shocked faces of the senior students and heard gasps from the crowd. Amanda turned around and saw not only was the wampus carving roaring but the horned serpents eyes were glowing as well. This rarely ever happened. Usually only once a decade. Amanda knew what she had to do next, she remembered reading about it in a book she had read on the train. She now had the honor to choose whether she would be in the horned serpent house or the wampus house. She looked over to Whitby, Which house would you like to be in? Whitby asked. I choose the horned serpent house, Amanda answered. Whitby nodded, the wampus carving stopped roaring, and she was escorted by the white-haired man out of the room. . As he led her down the hallway Amanda saw several house crests and paintings. As a no maj-born it was fascinating to her that the people in the pictures were moving as if they were real. Then again,Show MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Characteristics †¢Short - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a single impression or effect.  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing personal experiences and prior knowledge to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words  | 5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words  | 8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. A short story like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), â€Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.†In the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words  | 3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words  | 5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? 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